Pretty girls are not nice! — Not really!!
It was not the first time when I got upset with a comment which was said with a sound of a joke but was brutally mean in every sense! “Why people are so blinded by prejudices, why are they so judgmental!?” — is not the first time I’ve thought to myself!
We have seen those movies, where they try to teach you to look beyond the superficial looks and beauty. Most of the times, the story revolves around a girl who is not-so-good-looking. A gem of a person, with a brain of a genius, heart of a saint but everyone around her is mean to her, she is lonely and feels outcasted just because she is not good looking! On the other hand, the pretty girl — the contrasting character is by default dumb, nasty and makes imbecile remarks, is always surrounded by people and all her actions are construed as cunning making her a heartless person!
But, is it really so?
Why do people just assume if you are good looking, you are not a good person and is “okay” to say anything mean to you!? Why is it so hard for people to understand that just because you are pretty and you know how to enjoy your life, doesn’t mean you are not hardworking or good at your work or have a heart or have feelings too!
The way you look is something what you are born with but what you are as a person is what you are, as a person — Your looks can’t make you good or bad!
Why do people assume if you are enjoying your life, you are not sincere!
If a girl gets married in her early 20s and have a baby soon after, who looks terrible as she doesn’t have any time to herself, why is she considered as a sweet and loving girl while a well-dressed 30+ single woman or a married woman who has decided not to have kids, is “not” considered as “nice”!?
Being an open-minded woman doesn’t mean you would make a horrible wife, a terrible daughter in law or a bad mother!
Just because you are taking your time to find the one, and in no hurry to “just marry” or “make kids”, doesn’t mean you don’t have emotions! Being single doesn’t mean you are not sensitive, being single doesn’t mean you hate commitment! Not planning kids doesn’t mean you don’t want to take any responsibilities or are too selfish. It’s a choice one makes for oneself, that doesn’t define your character or values.
It doesn’t make you good or bad!
I really wish people who are so judgmental, who are so opinionated, who just assume things based on some of their weird logic or preconceived notions would try to step into other person’s shoes for once before making a comment.
This world would be a much nicer place if people would learn to have some empathy and open their minds a little.